Innovation in healthcare
Taking good care of each other
A healthcare group in North Holland, stands for providing good care to the elderly and building a society in which everyone matters. Together and for each other, they provide the best care and support where possible and necessary. A robust (IT) infrastructure is essential for creating vital communities. This way, healthcare providers can focus on care and do not have to worry about IT. ITsPeople helped the healthcare group with the design of their IT landscape.
Network and stakeholders
There were several IT related questions. A refresh of the network was one of the desires of the organization. ITsPeople made an analysis of the current and desired situation to give direction to this wish. Based on the analysis a tender was issued in the market with the aim of migrating from on premise to the cloud and creating a sustainable network. Another wish was the implementation of a Mobile Device Management system (MDM).
In addition to the substantive technical knowledge and expertise, ITsPeople was mainly the connecting factor between all parties. By staying in touch with all stakeholders and bringing interests together, the team was able to achieve the desired results. The implementation of a DAP (Document Agreements and Procedures) and an SLA (Service Level Agreement) based on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) helped with this. By making agreements transparent and measuring results by KPI’s, all parties knew what they could expect from each other. In this way it was possible to give guidance based on objectivity and delivered quality. The innovation within the IT landscape allows the healthcare group to focus on their core business, providing care.
Looking out for each other and taking care of each other is the foundation of the healthcare group. From social involvement and responsibility for the surrounding, the healthcare group works compassionately for the vulnerable in our society. The healthcare group focusses on a society where everyone matters and strengthens and supports people where possible and necessary.

“In addition to the pleasant surroundings, it was especially fulfilling to contribute to creating a vital community. We are all getting older by the day.”
Robert Klaassen – Project Manager