Topaz to the cloud

Secure and reliable IT

Every phase in life is equally important. That’s why the motto of Topaz is ‘the whole life counts’. To continue to provide loving, personal and specialized care, ITsPeople advised Topaz about the renewal of their IT landscape and helped with its implementation. 

The outdated IT such as network, systems, service- and security models no longer met the requirements of Topaz. Topaz felt the need for a modern, innovative IT solution to improve and support their core business: daily care for the elderly. The new IT solution had to support the complex healthcare environment of Topaz with a more uniform design of its business processes and IT. 

Client and customer centricity 
Just as Topaz focuses on the client’s needs, ITsPeople focuses on the needs of client organizations. The end result: providing personal care to vulnerable elderly people, was therefore the main focus in the analysis. The outcome of the analysis was, in addition to a migration to the cloud and the setting up of an IT service model, to unbundle IT at an IT care supplier and to redesign the network between Topaz and the care locations. With the aim of improving IT, to support healthcare employees through future-proof, secure and reliable IT. 

Through the acquired knowledge and impact of the research, strategic advice, and the execution of ITsPeople, together with Topaz, a future-proof IT solution has been implemented to improve and support Topaz’s daily care for their clients. 

About Topaz 
Topaz is for people who need intensive, specialized care and helps clients to continue to live their lives as they want, despite their health problems. Founded in 1957, Topaz has grown into a leading organization in the Leiden and Bollenstreek region with 7 healthcare institutions. 

“One of our core values ​​is personal. It is great to see that the advisory process and its implementation helps Topaz to realize their strategy and make care even more personal. This fits seamlessly with our core values.”

Mario Kornuijt – Managing Partner